
The Consequences of Obedience can be severe this side of eternity. Not only on us, but also upon innocent others. When we see them effected, we are most tempted to Compromise. How do you explain to your children why they are not eating tonight? How long do you endure before the marriage troubles become intolerable?

At what point does the “Cost” of Obedience outweigh the “benefits”? These are very real spiritual issues we will face throughout our lives. The answer is simple, but far from easy to accept in our flesh: always Obey God, and leave the Consequences in His Hands. Never use Consequences on innocent others as an excuse to Compromise.

Pastor Simon was wobbling, but still standing.

It took longer than expected. Simon’s children lost two full years schooling. They lived in a shared shack, in a much more dangerous area. His marriage was stressed. His body was thin and weak. And yet he never missed a day to meet me and walk me into the Bible School in Kibera. We would talk, and pray, and hope...week by week, month by month. And on into the second year.

I began to realize the Test was not just for Simon, but also for me. I had, in my hands, the means to insulate Simon from every dire Circumstance of his life. I could pay the schools fees, the rent and for the food. My empathy could implement an instant rescue plan of epic proportions. And all the glory could go to God. At least, that is what I was telling myself. But what was God telling me?

“Get out of the way. Don’t interfere. Let Me work My work in Simon.”

Ugh! The Call to Discipline oneself is not so easy at times. God does not give us Patience, or any other Godly Character. He gives us His all sufficient Grace to do the right thing. But God will not do it for us. He will not force us to use His Grace. We must pick it up, and use it.

I found myself praying that same prayer I have prayed so often....for more Grace. “Grace upon Grace!” Grace to use the Grace that God had already given me. Grace that I so often disregard in my quick-fix, ready-mix problem solving prayerless “solutions.” It was Pastor Simon’s battle that forced me to face my own carnal Impatience.

Pastor Simon finally got the call. The union boss personally met with him...nearly two years since Simon was sacked. They wanted him back. But not the same job. A promotion! After Simon’s departure, new union memberships dropped to an all-time low. Eventually the entire management staff realized that it was Simon and his Character that attracted the vast majority of new members. Without him, no poor laborer was willing to sacrifice any portion of pay for membership dues in a questionable union. “I can’t say they’ve repented Brother Paul. But God is doing something very big in my bosses. They have given me tremendous latitude to do things the right way. And they are excited to see if I can turn things around financially, doing them God’s way, instead of the corrupt way. I hope it works out well!”

Of course it will. After all, it’s God Who’s really doing the Work. We just have to get out of the way.

And let Patience have its Perfect Work.

All of us would like to be more like Christ. We pray, we endeavor, we re-commit ourselves time and again to being imitators of Christ. We ask God to infuse us with His Holy Character. That pray will not go unanswered, but it is not typically answered in the manner we prefer. We hope for a miraculous injection that will instantly change us “once and for all”. But God doesn’t work that way. Not for us. Not even for Jesus...

“...though He was a Son, yet He learned Obedience by the things which He Suffered.”

Hebrews 5:8

Jesus did not obey as God. He obeyed as the “Son of Man.” While never losing His Deity, His Holy “Character” was not infused into a pre-packaged, temptation-free mind, heart and body. Rather, He endured all the temptations and trials common to mankind. Through them He practiced Holy Character. In that regard alone, the trials of life can be a Blessing. They are to be embraced by the followers of Christ. Not because we are pretending we enjoy them. That would be nonsense. But because we can foresee the great Spiritual Fruit that can come out of them.

“My brethren, count it all Joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the Testing of your Faith produces Patience. But let Patience have its Perfect Work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”

James 1:2

Most people quote the first sentence, but leave out the last. The last sentence provides the spiritual secret of success.

Let Patience have its Perfect Work...Acquiring Godly Character is a Work. It is something that we choose to allow or avoid. If we allow it, the end result will be “Perfect” in the eyes of God. But the Process will be no less painful.

Perhaps no one has learned the “Work” of Patience better than Pastor Simon.

Pastor Simon was a working pastor. Working a full time job, in addition to full ministry commitments. He had the privileged position of being formally employed. In his case, as a union organizer. Throughout the years, Simon’s Christian ethics earned him the respect and admiration of his superiors at work. But gradually that changed. With each passing year, the invitations to be involved with unethical antics increased exponentially. Bribery, corruption, thievery, deception and crafty, cunning behavior was esteemed more each day. Eventually, “The Conversation” came. That’s what they call it locally. It’s the day you are given two choices. Either you get on board with the corruption, or you are pushed out of your job. Christian Character eventually becomes an Obstacle to any employer’s Immorality. Essentially all of our working Pastors and Ministry Leaders face this battle.

It’s one thing to Count the Cost of following Jesus. It’s another thing to Pay the Price.

And it was time for Pastor Simon to make his Choice.

“I was pushed out, Brother Paul. After 10 years of faithful service, my hard work brought me up to low level management. Corruption is not only tolerated. It’s expected and applauded.” Simon continued, “I knew it was coming. I can’t say I’m happy. But I sleep at night. My conscience is clear with the Lord. And I know He will see us through.”

It wasn’t long before the Price of Obedience came due. Within a month, Pastor Simon was locked out of his rented shack for failure to pay rent. It is perfectly legal for landlords to keep all of your possessions within. And that is exactly what happened. “I lost everything. We are living with relatives in their home (another shack) for now.” A ten-by-ten foot rusted sheet metal shack...with two families: four adults, and seven children. No electricity. No plumbing. No latrine. And no end in sight. Well, that’s not entirely true. There was a critical end in God’s sight: Patience.

Patience is admired by most people, even unbelievers. But it comes at a great Price. Most often through Trials that we would prefer to end....Now! For Simon, the Trial was sudden unemployment, with no prospects of change. He had no manual labor skills. He was a union organizer. No “friends” would stand with him. Because he was blackballed by the union, everyone shunned him. For their own safety and financial (if not physical) security.

Brother Paul, I know I’m doing the right thing. But it is too hard to see my family suffering because of my decision. My children are now out of school, because I can’t keep up with school fees. There’s a lot of stress right now. But I’m trusting in the Lord to sort this out.” Patience was pressing in to have its Perfect Work in Simon’s life. And the pain was searing.

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