One of the greatest Joys of being on the mission field is directly “seeing” and “hearing” the effect of God’s Word on the hearts and minds of the people. In the past three Semesters, we have studied, verse by verse, the books of Jeremiah, Obadiah, Haggai, Malachi, Psalms, Joel, Amos, 1st Kings, Jonah, Ephesians, Jude, Colossians, Peter, Epistles of John, Philemon and Revelation. In addition, every new student is required to take a semester long class in Inductive Bible Study Techniques. At the end of each semester, the Pastors voluntarily provide their feedback. Candid testimonies from those on the ground...on the receiving end of this Ministry. We hope you will gain further insight into the Ministry and the eternal, yet ground level, effect of this Discipleship Ministry on the “Pastors of the Least”. We trust you will be encouraged, and even challenged, as you hear from their hearts...directly, and unedited.
What part of the Program do you find most challenging?
How did this Semester’s classes Help you or Change you?
What is the Single Most Significant Change in your CHURCH because of your participation in the Bible Institute?
What specific teaching or instruction personally impacted YOU the most?
Other comments...
This small sample of current testimonies is an indication of the eternal effect of planting God’s Word in people. It is not an easy ministry for any of us...neither supporters, students, nor staff. In the process of Persevering, let us continue with Praise and Thanksgiving to the Lord. It is from His goodness that we have been granted the opportunity to serve the Pastors of the Least. It is God’s Truth that we share; it is His provision that enables us; it is His favor that protects this beautiful ministry of His Word and Discipleship of His people. One of my favorite verses perhaps best summarizes this Ministry...
“Him we Preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man Perfect in Christ Jesus.”