Living Epistles

One of the greatest Joys of being on the mission field is directly “seeing” and “hearing” the effect
of God’s Word on the hearts and minds of the people. In the past three Semesters, we have
studied, verse by verse, the books of Joshua, Daniel, Jonah, Micah, Nehemiah, Ezra, the Gospel of
Mark, Romans, 2nd Corinthians, Titus, Philippians, Peter, Timothy, and Revelation. In addition, every new
student is required to take a semester long class in Inductive Bible Study Techniques. At the end each
semester, the Pastors voluntarily provide their feedback. Candid testimonies from those on the ground…
on the receiving end of this Ministry. We hope you will gain further insight into the Ministry and the
eternal, yet ground level, effect of this Discipleship Ministry on the “Pastors of the Least”. We trust you
will be encouraged, and even challenged, as you hear From their Hearts…directly, and unedited.

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