One of the greatest Joys of being on the mission field is directly “seeing” and “hearing” the effect of God’s Word on the hearts and minds of the people. In the past three Semesters, we have studied, verse by verse, the books of Joshua, Daniel, Jonah, Micah, Nehemiah, Ezra, the Gospel of Mark, Romans, 2nd Corinthians, Titus, Philippians, Peter, Timothy, and Revelation. In addition, every new student is required to take a semester long class in Inductive Bible Study Techniques. At the end each semester, the Pastors voluntarily provide their feedback. Candid testimonies from those on the ground… on the receiving end of this Ministry. We hope you will gain further insight into the Ministry and the eternal, yet ground level, effect of this Discipleship Ministry on the “Pastors of the Least”. We trust you will be encouraged, and even challenged, as you hear From their Hearts…directly, and unedited.
- Arriving on time. But I am seeing the good fruit of doing so
- Memorizing multiple scriptures for each class. I’ve never done this before
- Submitting to the volunteer duties is quite challenging
- Marking my bible week requires a lot of concentration
- Indeed my entire concept of God has been turned upside down
- Emphasis on the Word of God is all new to me
- I find the tests difficult. They force me to be serious
- My church members are struggling with my new biblical approach
- The Prosperity Gospel keeps tempting me ever so unrelenting
- Living up to the standard I see in my teachers. They are godly men
- My cunning ways are resisting every good thing I’ve learned here
- I am embracing the responsibility to Teach the congregation. Not simply to Preach
- My marriage has blossomed. It is truly remarkable
- I have submitted to serious Repentance that was much overdue
- I understand the need to focus on Application
- I am feeling like a son of the Most High God, in proper fear of Him
- A lifetime of being intimidated by the Bible has ceased
- I finally have some fundamental skills to interpret the Word of God myself
- The book of Joshua has fostered great courage in my walk
- I have read more of the Bible in one semester than in 14 years of ministry
- Romans is to be understood and applied. It is not to be avoided as if too complex
What is the Single Most Significant Change in your CHURCH because of your participation in the Bible Institute?
- We are worshipping God in our singing. Not singing for our own satisfaction
- As senior pastor, I now teach the Bible Study. Not just the main service
- I am sending every one of my senior pastors through this program! All 23!
- There is no more merchandizing of any sort on the church premises
- People have seen a great change in me in so many good and holy ways. And they are following
- Our evangelism has taken on an entirely new approach that is bearing great fruit
- In the two years I have been here, we have not had a single church split in our denomination
- What I can say is God is pouring out His Holy Spirit now. We are allowing HIM to teach us
- We were lost in traditions and rituals that I dare not describe. We have gone a new way!
- The Bible Study is nearly as well attended as the main service!
- More men are coming to our church
- Our church leaders are much more humble, sincere, and holy
- Marriages are being healed like never before
- The Bible Reading Plan changed me more than anything
- God’s condemnation of our tribalism and legalism
- There is no other Bible School in East Africa that teaches the Book of Revelation verse by verse
- The sin of Covetousness. It is perhaps the greatest unspoken sin
- The seminar on Marriage during the break was life changing
- Inductive Bible Study Techniques have opened my eyes beyond measure
- Romans: understanding who is “Israel” and who is not
- Our suffering is purposeful if God is truly our Father
- Understanding biblically what it really means to be “born again” has revolutionized my walk and my ministry
- This Bible School’s constant emphasis on holiness is spot on
Other comments…
- I have never experienced so much Encouragement and Godly Admonition before
- The Bible Teachers are truly men I can follow, as they clearly follow Christ
- I am humbled by the opportunity that supporters have afforded me through their sacrifices
- May God have mercy upon us for ministering in such utter darkness until now
- There is great Joy in my heart every time I enter the DSM compound!
- May God spread this ministry throughout Africa!
- How can there be people who never met me helping me? I am stunned by God’s grace through these well-wishers
- Please help us open a school in Ethiopia. My brethren do not have this Light
- I believe there is more Love at DSM than in most marriages
- You have focused on that good portion & the fruit speaks for itself
- I cannot go to a Pastors Fellowship anywhere in our capitol without finding many who graduated DSM
- We will not cease to intercede for our supporters. We know they suffer greatly for this cause
- God has not forgotten the slum Pastors. Now I can continue with courage and knowledge
- The veil of witchcraft has been exposed and renounced!
- My great desire to know the True and Living God has been answered at this Bible School
- Thank you for giving us back our dignity despite our poverty and lack of education
- I now can say I now have the Real Jesus!
- We look forward to that day in Glory when we finally meet the saints who support this Bible School from afar