
I just want some Peace and Quiet!

We have all heard this phrase countless times. Typically exclaimed in an exasperated tone of frustration and despair. And who has not said it themselves? We all long for those moments, if not seasons, when we can Rest, Recharge and Renew. Truth be told, this world can thoroughly wear us out: physically, mentally, financially, emotionally…and spiritually.

December is perhaps the most stressful season of the year. Semester final exams. Year end financials. Sluggish Holiday travel. Kids home from school. Winter weather hitting hard. Gloomy days of late sunrises and early sunsets. Escalating utility bills. And overburdened budgets. Add in an onerous outdoor Christmas lighting project, holiday shopping, mandatory Christmas cards and Christmas Eve toy assembly. It is enough to make a grownup cry.

In the midst of this madness, we are supposed to be kind, generous, joyful, reflective, and profound in front of everyone. “No Scrooges allowed!” “Think about others!” “Spread Some Holiday Cheer!” Even churches put on the pressure: “Holiday Giving Opportunities”, Angel Tree Projects, and Shoebox Collections. By the time Christmas Day arrives, we find ourselves more exhausted than Santa’s reindeer. If it were not for little children waking us up at the crack of Christmas morning, we would probably sleep until the New Year.

There is a “Peace” that is offered. Usually in the form of some mind- altering drink or drug. Pulsating holiday party. Extended line of credit. Or exciting holiday getaway package. The “Peace” this world offers is focused on tranquility of circumstances. Temporal rest and quietness. Physical cessation of activity. Mental down time. It is all a bit necessary…but predictably fleeting. Once we return from our carefully crafted “rest”, we are suddenly thrust back into harsh reality. The bills arrive in the mail. The Inbox is full. The house is a mess. And our waistline grew another inch. Surely there must be another version of “Peace”. Thank God, there is.

While we live “in” the world, we don’t need to be “of” the world.

Sounds a bit philosophical, but actually it is possible. In fact, it is freely available just for the asking. But there is one catch: you have to ask. This type of “Peace” comes from being rightly related to our Creator. The One who made me. If anyone understands my frustrations, my weariness, my fatigue, my brokenness, it is God. And He has answers to everything. Really good answers. Answers that fit like a glove. But He will not barge in. He speaks, He beckons, He invites. It is up to us to Respond and Receive His free gift.

Most people know at least parts of the account of the birth of Jesus. But not everyone has understood it. I am not talking about the facts…but rather the Purpose. For the sake of accuracy, let us allow the Bible to speak for itself about this “God-became-Man- and-dwelt-amongst-us-thing”. And focus on this one issue: Peace.


This is what Isaiah prophesied 700 years before the birth of Jesus…

“For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and Peace there will be no end.”

Isaiah 9:6

Here is what John the Baptist’s father said about the Purpose of Jesus’ birth…

“...To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of Peace.”

Luke 1:79

The angels proclaimed Jesus’ birth to the shepherds with these words…

“Glory to God in the highest, And on earth Peace, goodwill toward men!”

Luke 2:14

Jesus Himself confirmed His offer of another type of Peace

Peace I leave with you, My Peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

John 14:27

And He gave his disciple this admonition before entering Jerusalem for the last time…

“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have Peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33

And just days before going to the Cross,…

“Now as Jesus drew near, He saw Jerusalem and wept over it, saying, ‘If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things that make for your Peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes… …because you did not know the time of your visitation.”

Luke 19:41

Clearly there is a “Peace” available to us that the world cannot provide. Because it is not of this world. It supersedes, transcends, and excels any temporal “peace” the world offers. It is other-worldly…yet available here and now. It is superior, but only the lowly can receive it. It is pure, yet offered to the utterly impure.

It is the Peace of Christ.
Nothing more.
Nothing less.

There comes a time when we ought to examine ourselves. Our past, our present and our trajectory. Wise men do so regularly and often. We might do well to do so. Today. As in “Right Now.” It is all too serious. Much too important. Of the highest order in priority. It is high time we go to a place of solitude…and “take stock”. And I can assure you, the Spirit of God will confirm…

“There is No Peace until we make Peace with God. And there is no Peace with God outside Jesus Christ.”

If we have not made Peace with God, we have nothing less than “wood, hay and stubble”. Worthless counterfeit worldly “Peace” that deceives, delays, disappoints and disintegrates. It can do no more.


Our prayer, and the Prayer of the “Pastors of the Least” in East Africa, is that you make Peace with God through Jesus Christ. If you have not done so, then please do not delay. This is a limited time offer. Our days are numbered.

If you believe you already have, then here is our Prayer: “examine yourself” to make sure you have Jesus, and not just religion. The difference is vast and deadly.

And then…let us all Rest in Peace. The Peace of Jesus Christ.

Many blessings and prayers from the “Pastors of the Least” and the Cowley family to you and yours.

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