Watch this short video to find out more about us.

In the largest slum in Africa...
Crime, hopelessness, and depravity run rampant. The air is heavy with the weight of the spiritual darkness.

Brave Pastors minister here...
Many without any form of Bible training. With barely enough to feed their families, paying for Bible school is out of reach.

Thats where we come in...
We offer free, solid, Bible-based instruction to the Pastors and ministry leaders that otherwise would go overlooked.
“Take the fight to them!” That seems to be the ubiquitous mantra of our generation. Assertion has morphed into Aggression.
First came the headaches. Then the dizziness. Pastor Stephen was increasingly incapacitated. The point came where he had to seek
It was a most uncomfortable “marriage”. A broken Relationship seeped in dishonesty, distrust, and despair. The more that Pastor Jones
“Love.” It’s a word with wide and fluid definitions these days. The edges have eroded. The Biblical boundaries blunted, erased,
It is common for today’s high school graduates to take a “gap year.” An intentional break from formal schooling, before
“I just want some Peace and Quiet!” We have all heard this phrase countless times. Typically exclaimed in an exasperated
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